Printing Solution

Agenda and Spiral Notebook

One of the products that companies consume the most is of course agendas and notebooks. Companies place promotion-based agenda and notebook orders from time to time, both for their own company employees and for their customers.
The most important issue is the price inquiry regarding whether the price is appropriate for features, color and quantity selections. Spiral notebooks and glue notebooks are the most demanded from us.
It is easy to draw or write on the spiral notebook, and then you can tear it off the rest of the notebook at any time and use it without damaging the other pages. Here, again, the paper and cover properties of the spiral notebook are very important.
Paper thickness and paper being coated or uncoated paper are within the options. The thickness of the cover or whether it is covered with paper, fabric or leather is up to your preference. Again, the sizes and widths of the notebooks are among the options and are very diverse. All of these options are available in the calendar.
You choose the paper feature and thickness. Afterwards, you can determine the properties of the cover (paper, leather, fabric) and then you can perform your transaction from the order now section. Specially named and personalized agendas, which are very popular lately, are also taken care of by laser or silk screen printing.
You can examine the Agenda and Spiral Notebook samples made by Fides Matbaa.

Required information for ordering

  • Quantity,
  • Size,
  • Paper type,
  • Paper weight,
  • Number of leaves,
  • Number of colors,
  • Special cutting type, if any,
  • Skin and cover properties,
  • Other laminations (varnish, foil gilding, holes etc.).
Ajanda Tasarımı
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